The Future of the Judiciary: Impartial Anita is Hearing a Case Argued by her Former Law Partner and Funded by Her Megadonor

Senator Berger Press Shop
2 min readJan 27, 2022


Senator Amy Galey
January 27, 2022

The Future of the Judiciary: Impartial Anita is Hearing a Case Argued by her Former Law Partner and Funded by Her Megadonor

Justice Earls’s former law partner on redistricting cases, Allison Riggs, is arguing a redistricting case before Justice Earls

Riggs and Earls spent years litigating together against the Republican-led General Assembly

Sen. Galey: “Is this the future liberals want, a judiciary bought by megadonors and rife with perceived corruption?”

Raleigh, N.C. — Justice Anita Earls and her former law partner, Allison Riggs, spent years litigating redistricting cases together against the Republican-led General Assembly.

Earls and Riggs smile for a photo together in front of the U.S. Supreme Court before the court hears redistricting litigation the two worked on together.
Riggs promotes her former litigation partner’s campaign for state Supreme Court.

And former Attorney General Eric Holder funneled $250,000 to elect Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls so she could rule on his lawsuit (see picture below).

Justice Earls is now on the bench hearing a case argued by her former law partner that’s almost identical to previous cases they both worked on together.

And the case is funded by Justice Earls’s campaign megadonor.

Sen. Amy Galey (R-Alamance) said, “Is this the future liberals want, a judiciary bought by megadonors rife with perceived corruption? Buying judgeships to get desired political outcomes destroys the legitimacy of the judiciary.”

Sen. Galey continued, “Nobody can argue with a straight face that Justice Earls will rule impartially on a case argued by her former law partner and funded by her campaign megadonor against the same group they spent years suing. This is dangerous territory for the judiciary.”

Justice Earls’s conflicts are obvious and egregious. Imagine the outcry if, say, an oil company gave six figures to elect a judge and then brought a suit to overturn environmental regulations before that same judge.

Yet the so-called “good government” groups are silent. That should tell you all you need to know about their “principles.”



Senator Berger Press Shop
Senator Berger Press Shop

Written by Senator Berger Press Shop

Press releases from N.C. Senate Republicans and Senate Leader Phil Berger

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