Senate Republicans File Constitutional Carry Bill

Legislation would allow individuals to carry a concealed handgun without a permit
Raleigh, N.C. — Today, Senate Republicans filed a bill to allow for permitless carry of a concealed handgun in North Carolina.
If passed, North Carolina would become the 30th constitutional carry state.
“The General Assembly has made incredible strides to defend the Second Amendment rights of North Carolinians,” bill sponsors Sens. Danny Earl Britt (R-Robeson), Warren Daniel (R-Burke), and Eddie Settle (R-Wilkes) said in a joint statement. “There is still more we can do though. We need to join the majority of states and recognize that law-abiding citizens should be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights without getting permission from the government.”
Senate Bill 50 would still allow concealed carry permits to be issued for reciprocity with other states.