Joint Statement on Golden LEAF Bridge Loan Funding
Raleigh, N.C. — Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham), House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland), Governor Roy Cooper, Senate Minority Leader Dan Blue (D-Wake), and House Minority Leader Darren Jackson (D-Wake) issued the following joint statement regarding funding for Golden LEAF’s bridge loan program:
“We jointly support budgeting additional funds to Golden LEAF to expand its bridge loan program for North Carolina businesses.
“The program has proven to be efficient and effective. It helps employers access capital quickly while they apply for federal Small Business Administration assistance or other commercial loans. Businesses are eligible for low-interest loans up to $50,000, with no payments for six months. We know that this program is already oversubscribed and want to assure small businesses that more help is on the way.
“We will work together to provide a substantial allocation to Golden LEAF that will be worked out in more detail between now and the beginning of the General Assembly session.”