Durham Passes Resolution to “Ensure Critical Race Theory is Included in Public School Education”

Senator Berger Press Shop
2 min readJun 25, 2021

Ibram X. Kendi, world’s most prominent Critical Race Theory proponent: “The only way to remedy past discrimination is present discrimination.”

Berger: “Children must not be taught that it is appropriate to discriminate against one another based on race.”

Raleigh, N.C. — This week, the Durham City Council passed a unanimous resolution supporting Critical Race Theory in public schools.

The resolution reads, “The Durham City Council calls upon our state and federal representatives to…work to ensure black history and critical race theory is included in our students’ public school education.”

Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) said, “I’m not aware of anybody who objects to teaching about our country’s racial history, but that’s not all that adherents of this dangerous doctrine advocate. They teach that ‘present discrimination’ is necessary, and that a ‘postracial’ society is ‘the most sophisticated racist idea ever produced.’ These are extreme and dangerous concepts.”

Berger continued, “The notion that a postracial society is in fact racist is at odds with the idea that people will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson said, “The dark parts of our history should be taught in schools, but it should be taught along with how we overcame those things like slavery and Jim Crow. Now we see one of the larger school districts in our state pushing for a resolution to include Critical Race Theory in North Carolina’s education. CRT is not about equality; CRT is about teaching students that because of the color of your skin you are either oppressed or an oppressor. Pushing students towards this ideology will lead us to a divided and wrongful future.”

The Durham resolution comes on the heels of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Board of Education, which manages North Carolina’s second-largest school district, paying prominent critical race theorist Ibram X. Kendi $25,000 to speak at the district’s Summer Leadership Conference.

Kendi advocates for racial discrimination. He wrote, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

This is not some footnote to a school curriculum’s consideration of America’s racial past. This is one of the state’s largest school districts embracing a discriminatory ideology that, at its core, classifies children (and all of society) according to race.



Senator Berger Press Shop

Press releases from N.C. Senate Republicans and Senate Leader Phil Berger